
Hello, I'm John!
Welcome to the 50yr old golfer!
Thank you so much for checking out my little spot on the web, and be sure to take a look at our Instagram and YouTube pages as well.
Now, down to business here... I started the this little blog for those of us who find ourselves on the north side of 50 years old, and, who also happen to love the game of golf.
It doesn't matter whether you struggle to break 100 or find your handicap in the single digits, this site is for you!
Along with some honest, informative and sometimes entertaining (fingers crossed) content following me on my golfing adventures, there's also going to be tips, gear and course reviews, as well as some great images from some beautiful golf courses.
I really want this to be a place to inspire as many folks as possible to get out and enjoy the game of golf, regardless of the circumstances or age!
I really want this blog to become a hub for golfers at 50 and beyond, and those below that number as well!
And, most important, I want this place to be a community.
So please, don't be shy about sharing your story with all of us.
Message us on Instagram.
Email us at: the50yroldgolfer@gmail.com
God Bless & Happy Hitting,